Steve Brouwers is Creative Director at Ads & Data and also an inspirational speaker. As a creative, he suffers from imposter syndrome, as well as being a procrastinator and a deadline junkie.

When asked to jump, he doesn’t ask “Why?”, but “How high?”

Next week his book “Creatives on Creativity” will be launched. A fascinating look inside the worlds and works of 44 creative masterminds including George Lois, Annemie Van Kerckhoven, John Stezaker, Nel Aerts and Harry Gruyaert, that will inspire anyone interested in the elusive concept of creativity.

For this book, Steve interviewed 44 makers – painters, photographers, graphic designers, conceptual artists, furniture designers, video artists, advertisers – from all over the world. He asked them about their childhood, their creative process, their inspirations and their most memorable achievements. The question that returns in every interview – “What is creativity to you?” – resulted in a collection of personal conversations that provide an extraordinary insight into the mind of the artists.

"Creatives on Creativity" is packed with inspiring images and refreshing insights that invite you to reflect on your own idea of creativity. Creative Belgium members get a 25% discount on the book. Check your mailbox for the discount code.  

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