Toon Jansegers is Pub & Music Producer at Raygun. After Hours, Toon likes to cycle with his friends. During the first COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, cycling was their salvation. In a few month’s time, he rode about 3.500 km’s with his bubble buddy. During one of those rides, Toon noticed the typical cycling jersey of a random oncoming cyclist: a shirt filled with logos of local sponsors, among which “Dakwerken Van de Velde”. Inspiration struck: he called his friend & artist Rinus Van de Velde and they decided to design an aesthetic jersey together. That same night, they met at Rinus’ atelier and went through his oeuvre. Everyone is invited to make his/her own interpretation of the chosen image and text. The shirt was produced in limited edition and was distributed among Toon’s and Rinus’ cycling buddies. Who keep on wearing them during their lockdown 2.0 rides this spring.